Battle reports, tactics, and general banter about Warhammer 40k, D&D 3.5/Pathfinder, Malifaux, and Warhammer Fantasy!

Monday 27 January 2014

Nostalgiahammer - Iron Warriors V.S Emperor's Children

The Emperor's Children Legion are besieging an Iron Warriors outpost. Mustering thier Daemon Engines, the Iron Warriors plan a night attack to take back their territory from the perverse worshipers of Slaanesh.

Brennan and I decided to go back in time on the weekend to play a game of 3rd edition 40k using the old 3.5 Chaos Codex. We decided on 1750 points and rolled up a Night Fight mission. The Mission was a claim ground type deal with the table being divided into table quarters. In order to capture a quarter you had to have a unit above or at half strength, or a still-mobile vehicle (not including HQs) in the quarter and they couldn't have the same. There would also be Night Fighting the whole mission. In order to shoot at a target, the firing unit had to roll 2d6x3 for their spotting distance. If they couldn't see the unit, they couldn't shoot.

The Armies

Iron Warriors

- Daemon Prince With Mark of Chaos Undivided, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Frag Grenades, Dark Blade,
  Terminator Armour, Daemonic Essence, Daemonic Resilience, and Daemonic Flight- 179

- 3 Obliterators - 210

- 2 Obliterators - 140

- 10 Chaos Space Marines with Mark of Chaos Undivided, 2x Plasma Guns, Frag Grenades, Aspiring
   Champion with Meltabombs and Power Weapon - 208

- 10 Chaos Space Marines with Mark of Chaos Undivided, 2x Plasma Guns, Frag Grenades, Aspiring
   Champion with Meltabombs and Power Weapon - 208

Fast Attack:
- 5 Raptors with Mark of Chaos Undivided, 3x Meltaguns, Aspiring Champion with Power Weapon

Heavy Support:
- Vindicator with Dozer Blade and Parasitic Possession - 145

- Defiler - 150 

- Defiler - 150 

- Defiler - 150  

Total: 1743

My goal here was pretty simple. Crush Brennan under the sheer weight of fire I was going to be able to bring to the table. Between the Vindicator, Defilers, and 5 Oblits I was pretty confident that any vehicles he brought would be turned to space dust pretty quickly and then my Prince and Marines could sweep in and do the rest.

Iron Warriors

Emperor's Children

- Chaos Lord with Mark of Slaanesh, Daemonic Aura, Daemonic Resilience, Daemonic Strength,
  Daemonic Essence, Combat Drugs, Meltabombs, Dark Blade, Sonic Blaster, Bolt Pistol - 178

- Chaos Sorcerer with Mark of Slaanesh, Daemonic Aura, Daemonic Resilience, Daemonic Strength,
  Minor Power, Power Weapon, Sonic Blaster, Bolt Pistol - 103

- 3 Obliterators - 210

- 10 Chaos Space Marines with Mark of Slaanesh, Sonic Blasters, x2 Plasma Guns, Frag Grenades,
  Aspiring Champion with Melta Bombs - 279

- 10 Chaos Space Marines with Mark of Slaanesh, Sonic Blasters, x2 Plasma Guns, Frag Grenades,
  Aspiring Champion with Melta Bombs - 279

- 9 Chaos Space Marines with Mark of Slaanesh, Sonic Blasters, x2 Plasma Guns, Frag Grenades,
   Aspiring Champion with Melta Bombs - 255

Heavy Support:
- Dreadnought with Autocannon and Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with Heavy Flamer - 122

- Predator with Daemonic Possession, Twin-Linked Lascannon, Lascannon Sponsons - 165

- Predator with Daemonic Possession, Twin-Linked Lascannon, Lascannon Sponsons - 165

Total: 1754

Brennan's list didn't scare me too much. I didn't think the Sonic Blasters would be that big of a deal to face, but this was before I realized that rapid-fire weapons were a lot worse in 3rd edition. His Lord was pretty beefcake, which could cause some problems, and the Predators would make short work of the Defilers if given the chance.

Emperor's Children
The Game

Brennan won the roll to pick his side and gave me the table quarter with less cover and took the side with the big hill. He then won the roll for deployment and had me deploy the first unit. It was an "I deploy, you deploy" system starting with Heavy Support, then Elites, Then HQs, then Troops, the Fast Attack. He then also won the roll for first turn and took it.

Iron Warriors Deployment
 I deployed my Vindicator right up  behind a building in order to keep his units back a bit, and also to help it be in range early on. Defilers went next attempting to get as much cover as possible while still having some line of sight. The 2 man unit of Oblits went on my flank, and the 3 man in the center to try and be in a good position regardless of where he deployed. The Marines went in the center to push forwards, while the second squad hid with the Defilers. The Prince went in the Center ready to hop forwards.

Emperor's Children Deployment
Brennan Deployed his Predator up on the hill in order to try and get good line of sight to the rest of the field with it. The second one went next to it to try and line up a shot on the Vindicator. The Dreadnought went on the other flank to support the Marine Squad with the Sorcerer. The Obliterators went on the far end behind his Building, with another Squad of Marines and the Lord. The last squad of Marines went behind the chest high walls to try and get some cover from the Ordnance.

Turn 1

The Emperor's children begin to advance to try and get close enough to fire this turn. Both Predators attempt to shoot at the Vindicator, but are unable to see it in the darkness. The Dreadnought attempts to fire at a Defiler but meets a similar problem. The Obliterators try to shoot at my Obliterators but can't see them either. A real nothing turn.

End of Turn 1 Part 1
The Defilers start to move forwards to try and get eyes on the Dreadnought and the Predators. The Vindicator lies in wait for the Marines to approach. The Obliterators move towards his oblterators, as does my central squad of Marines. The flank Marines move up behind the Defilers to offer their support. The Raptors leap towards the Obliterators, hoping to drop one or two with their meltaguns, and the Daemon Prince jumps up onto a building.

Shooting begins with one Defiler spotting the hulking form of the Dreadnought through the gloom. Opening fire with it's Reaper Autocannon, it manages to wreck it with a lucky penetrating hit. The other Defiler can't see the Predator up on the hill and so just hangs out. The Raptors fire their Meltaguns at the Obliterators, but their Daemonic nature saves them from all harm.

End of Turn 1 Part 2
Turn 2

The Slaaneshi Marines continue to maneuver around to get into position. The Lord's squad comes out from behind the building, hoping to fire on my Marines or the Raptors. The Obliterators move over to get a better shot as well. The Sorcerer's squad rushes over behind the large building in that quarter of the table, hoping to get behind it and hunker down. The last unit of Marines approaches the Daemon Prince a bit, trying to stay out of range of the Vindicator.

Catching a glint of metal in the dark, the Obliterators unleash their Autocannons into the Defiler on the flank, wrecking it. the Marines spot the fast moving raptors and manage to gun down the champion and the mook. Once again, both Predators fail to spot the Vindicator and so don't shoot. The small Marine unit see the Daemon Prince and unload their sonic weaponry on it, causing a wound.

Turn 2 Part 1
Howling in rage, the Daemon Prince takes of from the building towards the Sorcerer's squad, hoping to assault them next turn. One Defiler moves up, while the other opts to stay where it is to try and fire its Battle Cannon. The center Marine unit moves towards the Lord's unit to try and shoot them this turn, as do the Obliterators. The Raptors jump behind the Obliterators to try and fight them.

The defiler that moved manages to catch a glimps of the Predator on the hill and fires it's Autocannon again, and though he gets a glancing hit, the Possessed vehicle shrugs off the damage. The Raptors unleash their Meltaguns once more into the Obliterators and manage to kill one this time. The Large unit of Obliterators fails to spot the Predator on the hill, while the small unit fails to see the enemy Oblits. In a spectacular show of ineptitude, my Marines fail to spot the Lord's unit a mere 12 inches away. Once again the Vindicator can't shoot. The Raptors assault the Obliterators and fail to damage them, but lose one of their own in return.

End of Turn 2 Part 2
Turn 3

The Lord and his unit move towards my Marines, as does the smaller central unit. The Sorcerer moves out to try and shoot the Daemon Prince bearing down on him. Shooting begins with the Lord's squad shooting into my marines and killing 5 of them. The second squad fires at the Obliterators, but fails to do any damage. The Sorcerer's unit has similar luck against the Daemon Prince, who's armour manages to protect him this round. The Predators finally attempt to make themselves useful this turn and fire at the Vindicator. Luckily for me, the Vindicator's armour, coupled with cover from the building keep it nice and safe.

Assault begins and the Lord's unit assaults my Marines. The Lord kills a couple, as well as a few more going down to the Marines themselves. We decided to do challenges for style points, so the Champions square off, but it's just a slap fight. I do no damage in return. The Raptors fail to do any more damage again, and lose another one of their number, leaving only one in combat.

I move my Obliterators over, hoping to stall the advance of the Lord's unit for a turn or two. The large Oblit unit moves off towards the Predators. Both Defilers and the Marines remain where they are again to fire their Battlecannons. The Daemon Prince Jumps over towards the Sorcerer.

Finally presented with a target, the Vindicator launches its payload at the central Marine unit, but scatters badly and only kills two. The Defiler by the tall building fires into the Sorcerer's unit and only kills 1 Marine. The other Defiler can't see in the dark.

My Prince charges into the sorcerer's squad, and after the Sorcerer take a wound off it, manages to kill 2 marines and Crush the Sorcerer himself The Obliterators charge in to see the remnants of the Marine squad cut down, leaving just the two "champions" locked in their duel. The Obliterators only manage to kill two Marines themselves. Brennan's Obliterators finally dispatch of the last of the pesky Raptors

Turn 4

Things are hanging in the balance now. The Obliterators move farther downt the table to escape any possible retribution, while the central Marines hug the wall for the cover save. Shooting this Turn is once again underwhelming with the Predators and Obliterators unable to spot anything in the dark, and the Marines unable to wound the large Obliterator squad.

Assault goes much better for Brennan as his Lord and remaining Marines manage to wipe out the Obliterators, thanks to a slew of failed 2+ saves. The slap fight continues. On the other side of the board, the Daemon Prince kills another couple of marines and they reduce him to only 1 wound.

My Obliterators move towards the Predators hoping to do something to them finally. The Vindicator pivots to get a better shot at the Marines. Both Defilers hang out. Shooting sucks again, but I manage to get 3 Marines with the Vindicator and one Battle Cannon this time, reducing the squad to less than half strength.

In assault the Lord finally gets frustrated with his underling's incompetence and steps in to end my Aspiring Champion. My Daemon Prince continues to do poorly, slowly whittling away at the Marines, but not taking any wounds this turn.

End of Turn 4
Turn 5

Emboldened by his victory against the Marines, the Lord rushes forward to get rid of the Vindicator hammering his other squad. The remaining Marines move around  bit to fire at the Obliterators again. Shooting once again does nothing though this time the Obliterators were able to fire on the Vindicator, but hit the statue in the center of the board. The Lord and his squad assault the Vindicator and finally manage to blow it up. The Daemon Prince punches out a Marine

Hearing the commotion with Daemonic ears, the Defiler that had been hanging back moves back around the building to get in range of the Marines. The Obliterators decide to go after the other Obliterators, hoping to drop them to less than half strength and take that quarter. Flailing with it's Heavy Flamer, the Defiler manages to kill a single Marine before charging in. All other shooting fails.

In assault, the Lord only manages to get one penetrating hit through on the Defiler, but only stuns it, which the beast ignores thanks to its Daemonic nature. The Defiler crushes two marines in retribution, before the Aspiring Champion clamps a Meltabomb to the walker, which also is ignored. Once again, the Daemon Prince punches a Marine to pulp and takes no wounds.

End of Turn 5
Turn 6

With the end of the battle in sight, the Obliterators move towards my Obliterators to try and take them out. The Predator on the hill pivots to shoot at them as well, and the other Predator pivots to shoot my Defiler. His Obliterators unleash their Plasma Guns, and manage to down one of my Obliterators. Luckily the Predator is basically useless.

In assault the Lord manages to wreck the Defiler, which flips over, nearly crushing him and his squad. The Daemon Prince finally kills the Marine squad and consolidates off towards the Predators.

The remaining defiler moves towards the Predator hoping to blow it up this turn. The Marines finally leap into action and move up to shoot at the lord and his squad. The Obliterators move towards their intended target. Shooting begins and the Obliterators fail to do any damage. The Defiler spots the Predator on the hill and peppers its flank with its Reaper Autocannon, wrecking it. The Marines fire at the Lord's Squad and manage to reduce them to only 4 models.

The Obliterators assault, but due to the long distance, only the front two get to attack. He downs one of mine, and I fail to kill his. The Daemon Prince assaults the remaining Predator and manages to wreck it.

End of Game
Total Points

Iron Warriors control 2 Quarters (Marines and Defiler)

Emperor's Children control 1 Quarter (Obliterators)

Post-Game Thoughts

That turned out to be a really close and really tough battle for me. The Night Fight mission definitely had a huge impact on the game, as it basically shut down most of the shooting. Brennan's Predators only got to fire 1 turn the whole game, and I also had turns where I felt like I didn't get to shoot at all.

Tactically I think I could have played a better game. I probably should have had my Obliterators all focus on his Marines with the Lord early on, and I should have held my Raptors back and used their speed to move in and take/contest a quarter at the end of the game. I also underestimated the Sonic Blasters and the flexibility they give you. Brennan was able to move around and fire with much more freedom thanks to the 24" range, while I effectively had 12".

The dice really made a big difference in this game. My Obliterators failing 2 2+ out of 4 rolls was terribad, and my Daemon Prince basically stayed in one combat the whole game. It seemed like every time I needed a 2+ I would roll at least one 1 in there, so it took him forever to get through that unit. Brennan felt it too though. His Predators basically sat around and did nothing all game, and while he cleaned up pretty well in assault, not having that Vindicator there really would have helped him a lot.

In the end though it was really fun to go back to the edition that Brennan and I first started playing in, and looking through the old Codex was a blast. We both agreed we'd have to do more of these retro battles, so stay tuned for some more 3rd, 4th and maybe even 5th edition games of Nostalgiahammer!

Monday 20 January 2014

Warhammer 40k Apocalypse: No D-Weapons

Hey everyone. So this last weekend I participated in a 2 on 2 10,000 point Apocalypse game with Brennan and I playing our Chaos v.s Todd and a fellow playing Space Marines, supplemented with Brennan's Imperial Guard. In this game we all made a decision to not use any super-heavies or formations that used any ranged D-Weapons (there was a single Stompa that took to the field, but it never made it into assault). So what were our findings from this kind of game?

Well to begin, Superheavy vehicles became MUCH more difficult to destroy with no D-Weapons. With a total of 2 Baneblades, 2 Warhound Titans, a Macharius Vanquisher, a Stormsword, and a Stompa, only the Stompa and both Baneblades were destroyed, with Both Warhounds and the Macharius going down to one hull point each. This was with a considerable amount of firepower being dedicated to bringing these hulking vehicles down. At one point around 3000 points of various Leman Russ tanks fired upon the Stompa, along with at least one of the Baneblades before it finally lost its last hullpoint.

It also meant that the small amount of infantry on the table managed to move around relatively unimpeded, as all the bigger guns were being used to deal with the vehicles. A whole unit of spawn ran around the table for the whole game (which only went to 3 turns, due to time restraints) without taking a single wound, (the accompanying Biker Lord took one from a failed dangerous terrain test though) and all 3 Daemon Princes, the Bloodthirster, and the Great Unclean One rampaging around the board all stayed alive with only minor injury to their persons.

Over all, the game felt much more like a giant game of 40k, and while there was large scale carnage to be sure, it was nothing like the last couple of games which just became a giant pissing contest with whoever could pack in the most D-Weapons being the winner. If you haven't tried an apocalypse game without D-Weapons, I would heartily recommend that you do, as it really was a lot of fun, and way less monotonous, and felt less like you were just putting your guys out there to immediately pick them back up again.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Warhammer 40k Battle Report Khorne V.S Imperial Guard

Kharn the Betrayer and a small force of cultists have been spotted on the backwater agri-world or Taar, and seems to be searching for something. The planetary governor has dispatched the local army - the Children of Taar to stop him.

This was a 1500 point game with my Khorne-themed Chaos Space Marines with Daemon allies against Brennan's Imperial Guard. The mission was the Relic with a Hammer and Anvil deployment type.

The Board
The Armies

Khorne Marines

Kharn the Betrayer (Warlord) - 160

- Daemon Prince of Khorne with Axe of Blind Fury, Gift of Mutation (+1 Attack) , Wings and Power
   Armour -265

- Bloodthirster with Exalted Gift (Regain a wound on a 2+ if he deals a wound in combat), and
   Greater Gift (Feel no Pain  4+) (Allies) - 310

- 9 Chaos Space Marines CCW, Mark of Khorne, Icon of Wrath, and Champion with Melta Bombs
   and Gift of Mutation (Shrouded) - 180

- 20 Cultists - 90

- 10 Bloodletters (Allies) - 100

Heavy Support:
- Land Raider with Dozerblade and Dirge Caster - 240

- 2 Obliterators with Mark of Nurgle

Total: 1497

This list was designed for a very basic purpose. To claim skulls for the Blood God. Obviously I was going to try and win by putting on the pressure early and overwhelm him with a bunch of fast melee monsters. I ended up holding my Oblits in reserve to deep strike in and hopefully pop a tank or two, as well as the Bloodletters who could maybe be a threat to his guardsmen or even a vehicle.

Blood for the Blood God!

Children of Taar

- Company Command Squad with Company Commander (Warlord - I use lowest Leadership when
   within 12") 2 Plasma Guns, and 4 mooks and a Chimera with Heavy Bolter and Multilaser - 185

- Marbo - 65

- 10 Grenadiers with 2x Plasma and a Meltagun in Chimera with Heavy Bolter and Multilaser - 195 

- 10 Grenadiers with 2x Plasma and a Meltagun in Chimera with Heavy Bolter and Multilaser - 195 

- 10 Grenadiers with 2x Plasma and a Meltagun in Chimera with Heavy Bolter and Multilaser - 195 

Fast Attack:
- 2 Scout Sentinels with Autocannons - 90

- Hellhound with Meltagun - 155

Heavy Support:
- Hydra Flak Tank with Camo Netting - 105

- Leman Russ Battle Tank - 150 

- Leman Russ Vanquisher with Heavy Stubber - 165

Total: 1500

This list had me a little concerned because all of his guys were in transports. In order to get to his troops I was going to have to first assault the Chimeras, which meant that I was going to take at least two turns of fire per squad of guys, and with that much plasma coming my way I was a bit nervous.

Children of Taar

The Game

I won the roll to pick my side and chose the side with more LoS blocking terrain. He then won the roll for first turn and deployed with his troop Chimeras and his Hellhound in a big cluster with his Battle Tank peekeing from behind a building with his Command Chimera and his Vanquisher on the other side of the table in a little pond. His Hydra and Sentinels went into a forest. Both forests were Brainleafs.

I deployed my Bloodthirster and my Daemon Prince behind a little Barricade and my Kharn Raider behind a building out of sight of the Vanquisher. The Cultists went into reserve and the Oblits and Bloodletters went into deep strike reserve.

Tactical Genius!
Turn 1

I rolled to steal the initiative and managed to steal. We then rolled night fighting and it was in effect. I started by moving up my Landraider 12 and flying my Daemons forwards. The Raider fired on one of the Chimeras and immobilized it and glanced it, while the Daemons ran.

Brennan began by shuffling around a bit to get into position to fire on me. The Hydra opened up first, putting a wound into my Bloodthirster, but it stayed airborne. Combined fire from all the Chimeras and everything they had inside then all fired into the Daemon Prince, and thanks to a whole bunch of 1s on my saves it was killed. First Blood for Brennan! The Vanquisher, Hellhound and Russ fired intot he Land Raider but failed to hurt it.

End of Turn 1

Turn 2

Reserves are rolled but nothing comes on this turn. Losing the Daemon Prince right away was a big blow, but I was hopeful that I could wrest control back. The Raider moved forwards, and Kharn and Friends leapt out towards the Hellhound and Chimeras, while the Bloodthirster went into jump mode to come menace a Chimera and the Sentinels. Firing it's lascannons, the Land Raider managed to explode the wounded Chimera, killing all the special weapons in the squad and leaving only the Sergent and 3 mooks behind.

Emboldened, I declare a multi-assault with Kharn and friends into the Hellhound and the Chimera behind it. Thanks to the re-roll from the Icon they make it in, with no casualties from overwatch (though both plasma gunners are killed by overheating weapons). The Bloodthirster declares a multi-assault on the Chimera and the Sentinals and makes it in as well.

Predictably, Kharn blows up the Hellhound, but also kills a marine. The Marines then wreck the Chimera, and because they blocked the rear hatch the Guardsmen are forced to perform an emergency disembarkation. The Bloodthirtser has less luck, exploding his Chimera and killing a couple mooks, but failing to harm the Sentinels. The Sentinels return the favour in that regard, and the Thirster remains locked in combat.

Brennan Starts his turn by moving his Guardsmen around and setting up some firing lines. He fires his Vanquisher at the Land Raider and explodes it. The Battle Cannon shoots at the Marines but he scatters huge and misses completely. shooting from the Hyrda, Grenadiers, and remaining Chimera kill a couple of Marines, but otherwise don't accomplish too much.

In the combat, the Bloodthirster manages to explode one Sentinel and glances the other, who fails to do any damage back, locking the beast in combat another turn. Damn!

End of Turn 2

Turn 3

I roll my reserves and this time the all come in. The Oblits go behind the Leman Russ and scatter back a bit, while the Bloodletters go behind the Vanquisher and scatter next to it. The cultists begin their long run. Kharn splits from his squad to go beat up some guardsmen, while the Marines go to take the Relic.

Shooting begins with the Obliterators, who are now out of melta range, rapid-firing some plasma-guns into the rear of the Russ, stunning it. Kharn guns down a Guardsman, and the Marines fail to harm the Guardsmen near the Relic with their pistols.

Kharn attempts to assault the larger squad of Guardsmen, but I roll a 4 and fail to get in. The Bloodthirster finally does its job and wrecks the Sentinel.

Brennan begins by moving the Russ away from the Oblits, and moving his Chimera up along with the Guardsmen to start Blasting Kharn. The Vanquisher tries to move forwards but immobilizes itself. Shooting from the big Guardsmen Squad kills Kharn, while the Hydra and Vanquisher put two more wounds on the Bloodthirster, Luckily the Marines remain unharmed.

End of Turn 3

Turn 4

The Cultists move forwards, and the Marines move into contact with the Relic to take it next turn. The Oblits chase the Leman Russ, and the Bloodletters move towards the Vanquisher. The Bloodthirster jumps back towards the squad near the Relic.

Shooting begins and the obliterators fire Multi-Meltas into the Leman Russ, blowing off the Heavy Bolter. The Bloodthirster then whips the meltagunner from the squad. In assault the Bloodthirster kills the Sergent in a challenge before wiping out the fleeing squad and regaining a wound. The Bloodletters charge the Vanquisher and blow it up, losing one of their number in the explosion.

Brennan moves the Russ away from the Obliterators again, and the Guardsmen move Towards them, as does the Chimera. Shooting from the Guardsmen and Chimera manage to kill the Oblits. The Battle Cannon locks onto the marines this time, killing all but one, who goes to ground. The Hydra manages to kill another Daemon or two.

End of Turn 4
Turn 5

With this possibly being the last turn, my lone Marine grabs the Relic. The Bloodletters move towards the Hydra, and the cultists run up. I then make a huge mistake and jump my Bloodthirster into the forest to hopefully get at the Guardsmen. I Fail the Brainleaf check and hit myself 6 times, dropping my own Bloodthirster to one wound! In the assault, the Bloodletters charge the Hydra but only do a single glancing hit, and the Bloodthirster fails its charge.

The Hydra backs away, and the Marines move away from the Bloodthirster. The Russ locks onto my last Marine, but rolls a 1 to wound, leaving it alive. The Guardsmen fire into the Bloodthirster and kill it, and the Hydra and Chimera reduce the Bloodletters to only 5.

Turn 6

I move the lone Marine with the Relic behind the rock in the middle, out of line of sight. The Bloodletters chase down the Hydra, and the cultists move back, so that Brennan doesn't scatter off them into my marine. The Bloodletters kill the Hydra.

Brennan moves around a bit, and fires the Battlecannon into the Cultists who go to ground and only lose 3. The Chimera dashes over, but snap firing fails to hit the Marine. The game ends this turn.

Total Points

Khorne Marines - 4 (3 for the Relic, 1 for Linebreaker)

Children of Taar - 2 (1 for First Blood, 1 for Slay the Warlord)

Post Game Thoughts

That was one of the most fun games I've had in awhile. It ended up being very close and could have ended badly for me if some of the dice had turned up differently. I really like this list, and there's not a whole lot I would change about it.

Tactically I think I played a solid game, and that my Target priority was decent. My only big mistake was forgetting about the Brainleaf forest and jumping into it with my Bloodthirster. That could have lost me the game right there. I also maybe should have left Kharn with the Marines, but I really felt like I needed to deal with those Guardsmen so that they wouldn't be a problem later. Failing charges with Kharn, and then with the Bloodthirster really hurt me, but there's not a lot I could have done about that.

As far as Brennan's game goes I think he played it pretty solidly as well. He had some poor luck with the exploding Chimeras, which managed to almost kill off a whole squad of guys, and he lost a bunch more from random tanks exploding. Such is the life of a Guardsman I suppose. He also forgot he had Marbo, which could have significantly impacted the game. We'll just assume that he had more important things to do than throw a demo charge on some backwater agri-planet. 

As always, thanks for reading and make sure you comment on what you like and don't like.