Battle reports, tactics, and general banter about Warhammer 40k, D&D 3.5/Pathfinder, Malifaux, and Warhammer Fantasy!

Tuesday 15 March 2016

The Lonely Path: Harlequin Solitaire

Hey everyone. So recently I have decided to embark on one of my most challenging painting projects that I have ever attempted. A Harlequin Solitaire. It was a lot of fun to paint and not nearly as frustrating as I had anticipated.

What a beut!

This is the photo I decided to use as sort of a reference, I'm not 100% sold on the way GW had painted up their solitaire, as I think the black on black on black is just sort of boring and underwhelming for such an impressive model. I also wanted to try my hand at doing some diamond patterns, as I'm going to need to be able to do them when I go to finish up my Troupe that has been in progress for like 7 years, no to mention the Shadowseer. Lastly, I decided to do the cloak in purple rather than black, partly because I think it would be a little more interesting, but more honestly, just because it's pretty difficult to make black look really effective, particularly black cloth. Finally, I decided to add one last touch of my own to the model. The model has a really long hood trailing behind it that just kind of ens. Now, being that Harlequins are both Space Elves and Space Clowns, I thought that a little something was needed. Namely a bell. Jesters and Elves are both sort of known for their jingle bells, and I saw the opportunity to add one. All I did was just make a tiny little ball of green stuff and stuck it on the end. Simple and easy.

By far the hardest part of this model was the diamond patterns. they took a lot of focus, and a couple of tweaks to get them to look more or less right.They're not totally perfect by any means, but I think that they came out quite nicely, and I'm pretty happy with them.

The next hardest part was a little surprising to me.The cloak. I thought this would be very simple to do, but I had a surprisingly difficult time with the highlights. In the end I think it looks decent so I'm happy with that too.

In the end, I think that the model turned out really well, with all the component pieces coming together really nicely for an eye-catching model. Thanks for reading!