Battle reports, tactics, and general banter about Warhammer 40k, D&D 3.5/Pathfinder, Malifaux, and Warhammer Fantasy!

Tuesday 23 August 2016

The Dance of Death: First of the Harlequins

This is sort of a late post, as I've had these guys done for a few months now, but I've finished my first squad of Eldar Harlequins along with a Death Jester and a Shadowseer. 

So first is the Death Jester. This guy was actually super simple to paint, which was a surprise after having done a whole bunch of players. I pretty much just primed black, did some highlights, a bit of a diamond patter in the one leg, and the cowl and inner jacket in a deep purple. The bone was simple. Just a bone colour, a sepia wash, then a light drybrush or white. Finally, the gems were done using the new citadel gemstone paint, which are totally awesome. 

Next is the shadowseer. This was a lot more like the other harlequins. As usual, diamond patters are a pain to do, but I really think that it's worth the effort. I decided to do the mask using the blue gemstone paint, and I think it worked really well. I think that I'll do the other ones the same way, but using different colours so that I can easily deferentiate between them. 

And now the main event. These harlequins took me a good amount of time to paint, as it's a pretty daunting task, and I found myself having to go back and forth quite a bit to get things right. The diamond patterns of these guys can be pretty tough, especially on the arms. Any time there's a bend in an arm or a leg, you have to try and compensate, and sometimes it really screws up the pattern. Fortunately, most of these weird areas are also in places that you generally wouldn't notice except with close inspection, so for my table-top needs, I'm very happy with how they turned out. Seeing the one squad on the table makes me really excited for the day that I've got a full army of these wackos running around. 

Lastly, this group shot, including the Solitaire from a previous post. I think it looks pretty striking, how about you?