Battle reports, tactics, and general banter about Warhammer 40k, D&D 3.5/Pathfinder, Malifaux, and Warhammer Fantasy!

Saturday 13 February 2016

Daemons Daemons Everywhere!

So for the last couple of weeks I have been preparing for an upcoming Apocalypse game by getting all my Daemons painted up. I'm planning on taking the Tetragon of Darkness formation, and taking tons of psykers to help summon more Daemons. So far I have managed to do 10 Daemonettes, 10 Horrors, a Herald of Slaanesh, and a Herald of Khorne. 

So first up is the Herald of Slaanesh. This was a pretty nice model to paint. All I did for this one was prime white and apply a heavy wash of druchi violet for the skin, did a layer of alaitoc blue and then a highlight of white scar for the hair, leadbelcher with a nuln oil wash, then a quick drybrush of leadbelcher again, and finally mephiston red with a highlight of evil suns scarlett topped off with a wash of carroborough crimson. Nice and simple, but I think it turned out pretty good. 

Next is my new Herald of Khorne. This is actually a beastman model that my buddy Ryan had laying around. I feel it matches the old 3rd edition Bloodletters that I have. Basically this was a lot of red. The fur and armour plates were a base of khorne red, then a drybrush of mephiston red, then a highlight of evil suns scarlet. All the leather was a layer of mournfang brown with a wash of nuln oil. The hair I painted black with a heavy drybrush of naggaroth night. All the studs were has hashut copper, as well as the skulls on the pendants. All the metal was again leadbelcher with a wash of nuln oil. The horns I did in ushabti bone with a wash of agrax earthshade. Lastly the blood on the axe was a layer of khorne red with a liberal amount of blood for the blood god to keep it glossy and wet looking. The base was a micro art chaos base that I had lying around, and was pretty simple to paint as well. My only complaint about the model is that it was metal. I just really dislike working with metal models. 

Next is the Horrors. The main part was a layer of emperors children with a wash of druchi violet then a couple of drybrush layers of emperors children the gold bits are hashut copper with a wash of nuln oil. The blue is a base of alaitoc blue, then drybrushes of temple guard blue and finally ice blue. For the fire I did the same thing but with a drybrush of yriel yellow. The claws and nails are ushabti bone and a wash of agrax earthshade. Lastly the feathers were just a white base with a really watered down layer of trollslayer orange. 

The daemonettes followed the same process as the herald. I painted all of the Slaanesh Daemons to match some used Daemonettes that I got a while ago, and I think I did a good job of that.

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