Battle reports, tactics, and general banter about Warhammer 40k, D&D 3.5/Pathfinder, Malifaux, and Warhammer Fantasy!

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Chaos Daemons: First Impressions

Hey everyone! So last week I had a chance to play a game using my new Chaos Daemons army, and while I lost terribly, I do think that there's a lot of potential with the Codex, outside of screamerstar and Fateweaver shenanigans. In case anyone is wondering the list I took was this:

- Bloodthirster - Greater Gift, Exalted Gift - 300

-Keeper of Secrets - 2x Greater Gift, Exhalted Gift, 3x Mastery Levels (Warlord) - 290

- 12 Daemonettes - Instrument - 118

- 10 Daemonettes - 90

- 10 Plaguebearers 90

Heavy Support:
- Daemon Prince of Khorne - Greater Gift and Exhalted Gift, Flight, and Armour - 270

- Daemon Prince of Slaanesh - Greater Gift and Exhalted Gift, Flight, Armour, and 3x Mastery
                                                  Levels - 340

Total: 1498

Now I know that this is hardly a power list, but keep in mind that at this early stage my model selection for Daemons is still quite limited, and most of my points are in Daemon Princes and Greater Daemons (I love my monsters!). My plan was pretty much  to try and just overwhelm him with Flying Monstrous Creatures, while the Keeper and Daemonettes advanced, with the Plaguebearers hanging out out of the way on an objective in cover. I took both the Grimoire and Portaglyph as well, and I got some decent gifts and psychic powers. The list that Todd brought happened to be pretty good for fighting this army, with 3 Bike units (2 with grav) and 2 units of Fire Warriors led by a Fireblade, and that many shots (many of which were twin-linked) is pretty great for grounding my critters.

My first big mistake that I made was, I think, diverting from my original plan. Instead of running the Daemonettes and Keeper of Secrets up the board like I originally was going to do, I put them in deep strike reserve. While they all came in turn 2 and the Keeper and one Daemonette unit landed right where I wanted (and thank goodness, because they were in very high risk places), one unit mishapped and went back into reserve. This meant that both the Keeper and the unit that got down were both shot up immediately and both died. If I had run up, the Keeper had Iron Arm, and so was likely to have made it close relatively unscathed, and honestly, if he had been shooting at the Daemonettes instead of the other creatures he probably would have had a bad time. Slaaneshi Daemons are also quite fast with fleet and adding 3" to their run moves, they probably would have been moving at least 12" a turn anyways.

The next big mistake I made was not being aggressive enough. I tried to fly up a flank to get behind a line of sight blocking building, but the Khorne Prince didn't make it and got blasted apart at the beginning of the second turn. To make things worse, he moved away from me and then I had to stay airborne for another turn instead of getting turn 2 assault that I would have gotten if I hadn't been stupid.

I think I'd like to try a similar list again, but in the future, I would probably drop the Exalted rewards for lesser rewards on the Princes, and I don't think I would take the Portaglyph. It just didn't do enough to make it worth it. It would also free up a few more points for a couple more Daemonettes or something, which would be nice.

As a final note, I feel like the Daemons book is a Codex that relies on the dice more than probably any other Codex, with the Warp Storm table being able to practically decimate your army in a single turn, or if it feels like being a cool guy, it could drop in a unit of troops for you. The fact that most of the results are going to be neutral, if not actively harmful to you certainly doesn't help. Still, it seems like the book could be a lot of fun, and it allows me to get a stupid amount of monsters on the table, so I do like that.

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